“The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers” is Angela Su’s first solo exhibition at Blindspot Gallery. The exhibition will showcase the artist’s newest works that include drawing, video, hair embroidery and installation. This is the culmination of Su’s extended research on mental illness and social control, offering a dissection of her own state of mind to explore the im/possibility of autonomy, agency and empathy in one’s daily struggles. The exhibition is a self-reflexive journey that begins with Su’s exploration with hallucination to question the perception of reality, and subsequently how she positions herself in these uncertainties. Interlaced with different key concepts, recurring motifs and historical facts, the journey contains two main intersecting narratives which focus on the inner self and external structures.
Angela Su: The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers
Angela Su: The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers
20 May 2017 - 30 Jun 2017
Artworks (28)

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Angela Su
Rorschach Test No.1

Angela Su
Rorschach Test No.2

Angela Su
Rorschach Test No.3

Angela Su
Rosy Nobody No.1

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Angela Su
Rorschach Test No.1

Angela Su
Rorschach Test No.2

Angela Su
Rorschach Test No.3

Angela Su
Rosy Nobody No.1

Angela Su
Rosy Nobody No.2

Angela Su
My sincere apologies

Angela Su
My sincere apologies (Installation view)

Angela Su
The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers

Angela Su
Please tell me what's been bothering you

Angela Su
Please tell me what's been bothering you (detail)

Installation view: "Angela Su: The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers", Blindspot Gallery, 2017

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (1 of 8)

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (2of 8)
A Reminder to Myself (2of 8)
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (3 of 8)
A Reminder to Myself (3 of 8)
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (4 of 8)
A Reminder to Myself (4 of 8)
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (5 of 8)
A Reminder to Myself (5 of 8)
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (6 of 8)
A Reminder to Myself (6 of 8)
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (7 of 8)
A Reminder to Myself (7 of 8)
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each

Angela Su
A Reminder to Myself (8 of 8)
A Reminder to Myself (8 of 8)
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each
Inkjet print on fabric, wood, set of 8
Installation size variable, 200 x 87 cm each

Angela Su

Angela Su

Angela Su
The Interview

Angela Su
Rosy has a spinning twin

Angela Su
Tack Tack Tack
23 Apr 2022 - 27 Nov 2022
24 Jun 2017