Wing Po So, Lam Tung Pang and Trevor Yeung participate in the 4th edition of Kathmandu Triennale 2077

Wing Po So, Lam Tung Pang and Trevor Yeung participate in the 4th edition of Kathmandu Triennale 2077

Kathmandu Triennale is informed by discourses of decolonisation, migration and displacement, indigenous knowledge, and redefining the parameters of art beyond a Eurocentric canon. It will discuss appropriate frameworks of understanding and bring together the multiple aesthetic and cosmological lineages active today.

Venue: Patan Museum, Bahadur Shah Baithak, Nepal Art Council, Taragaon Museum, and Siddhartha Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Curators: Cosmin Costinas, Sheelasha Rajbhandari and Hit Man Gurung.
